Ireland is a leading jurisdiction for the set up of SPC’s which are used in capital markets and special financing projects to provide a special company specific for that project and limit its exposure to non-related credit risks. This ensures that the investors or noteholders in the SPC are only exposed to the assets and … Continue reading “Section 110 and Special Purpose Companies (“SPC”) Ireland”
News & Events
On the 31st Dec 2020 the transition period for UK’s departure from the European Union will expire and under section 137 of the Irish Companies Act all Irish companies are required to have an European Economic Director (“EEA Director”) and as the UK will not be part of the EEA UK Resident directors of Irish … Continue reading “UK DIRECTORS OF IRISH COMPANIES: ITS TIME TO TAKE ACTION”
Airlines look for Sale and Leaseback options
Sale and Leaseback transactions The sale and leaseback model is the current most talked about option for airlines who without government intervention will need to look for ways to access long term liquidity. The sale and leaseback model offers a quick solution if you can find a lessor or investor that has a strong balance sheet … Continue reading “Airlines look for Sale and Leaseback options”
Amstrow Wins Enterprise Award 2020
AMSTROW AWARDED BEST BESPOKE CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION SOLUTIONS PROVIDER 2020 Amstrow is delighted to announce that it has recently been announced as the “Best Bespoke Corporate Administration Solutions Provider” at the EU Business Irish Enterprise Awards 2020. Speaking on the awards, Awards Coordinator Chloe Smart commented: “A heartfelt congratulations to all of the winners in this … Continue reading “Amstrow Wins Enterprise Award 2020”
Amstrow Aviation Support During Covid 19
Amstrow Aviation Services Offers Commercial SupportThe Amstrow team hope this message finds you all safe and well during this global crisis that has affected every country worldwide.One of our services has always been providing “Commercial Support in Event Driven Situations”, there has never been a more relevant time for this. We all know we are … Continue reading “Amstrow Aviation Support During Covid 19”
AMSTROW AVIATION sponsors airline economics 2020 conference 20-23 Jan Dublin
Amstrow aviation team will be attending the AE conference at the Shelbourne hotel 20-23 Jan 2020 The Amstrow Aviation team is sponsoring and attending one of the largest aviation events in the world taking place at the home of aviation leasing in Dublin from 20th -23rd January 2020. We continue to see the aviation market expand in … Continue reading “AMSTROW AVIATION sponsors airline economics 2020 conference 20-23 Jan Dublin”
Meet Amstrow at the ISTAT EMEA conference in Berlin this September Nigel woods (Managing Director) and Chris Spencer (Head Of Aviation) will be attending the upcoming ISTAT EMEA conference on the 23rd to 25th Sept in Berlin. There have been a number of changes and developments in the aviation leasing sector that lessors and investors … Continue reading “AMSTROW AVIATION SERVICES WILL BE ATTENDING ISTAT EMEA SEPT 23RD TO 25TH BERLIN”
Amstrow Supports Packie Bonner Golf Classic In Aid of SBHI
Amstrow supports spina bifida annual golf classicAmstrow Corporate Services were proud to support the annual Spina Bifida Packie Bonner Golf Classic held at the beautiful Palmerstown Golf Course in August. Organised as ever with precision, it is one of the best golf classics and fun charity outings that Amstrow attends each year.Hosted by the charismatic … Continue reading “Amstrow Supports Packie Bonner Golf Classic In Aid of SBHI”
Irish Leasing Platforms and current trends
With over 50% of the worlds leased Commercial aircraft managed from Ireland and a significant number of the top global aircraft leasing companies based here, we are seeing at some stage new and existing lessors along with private equity investors evaluating setting up a leasing platform or funding structure in Ireland for their new aircraft … Continue reading “Irish Leasing Platforms and current trends”
Independent Non- Executive Directors in big demand due to Brexit
With the possibility of a no deal Brexit now a likely outcome, UK/NI businesses are monitoring closely their Brexit strategy especially for a worst case scenario. They are currently executing plans to set up branches and subsidiary operations within European countries such as Ireland while planning and implementing all the logistical requirements involved including the … Continue reading “Independent Non- Executive Directors in big demand due to Brexit”