Aviation Corporate Services

Aircraft Leasing Companies

Amstrow’s Aviation Finance and Leasing Group are led by aviation industry specialists with over 100 years combined experience in commercial aircraft, private jets, aircraft leasing companies, and financial structuring work. Our experience comes from assisting from the perspective of the lessor, lender, and advisor to airlines in various aircraft financing transactions. We have worked across a wide range of aircraft types and investor structures encompassing many different geographic jurisdictions.

Amstrow offers this experience and expertise for the benefit of its clients in order to deliver bespoke solutions for Aviation Corporate Services, Lease Management, Financing, and Commercial Support in event-driven situations. All our work and solutions are tailored to deliver results that achieve a client’s specific objectives, requirements, and demands while ensuring all obligations under various legal and tax requirements are adhered to.

We are a proactive aviation services company within the aviation market operating on a day-to-day basis in the sector. We are well connected, respected, and proactive in the work we carry out making us best placed to take a solution-driven approach for our clients.

Our Services Include

Aviation Corporate Services

Amstrow can provide a full range of corporate services to your aviation structure, whether you require a full leasing platform, specific one off investor transactions, orphan trust or Section 110 structures. We can provide a solution to meet your requirements. For a full list of corporate services please click here.

Lease Management

Amstrow is able to provide investors and clients with a full suite of lease management services from lease rental calculation, invoicing and collection, through to arranging aircraft re-marketing for re-lease or sale following expiry or termination of the lease.

Our Lease Management services can capture the totality of the following or can be tailored to offer a defined suite of services to meet your companies own requirements.

  • Rental calculation, invoicing and collection.
  • Maintenance reserve calculation, invoicing and collection.
  • Management of maintenance events and payments.
  • Management of other technical matters.
  • Monthly, quarterly and / or annual lease reporting.
  • Cash management and treasury payments solutions.
  • Credit control.
  • Commercial management of     ad-hoc lease amendment and  other lease related events.
  • End of lease matters.
  • Obtaining year end aircraft valuations.


The financing requirements of a transaction may require new finance or re-financing of a single aircraft or of a portfolio of aircraft. This may be from the perspective of any tranche of equity/debt in the capital structure, co-equity investors, mezzanine or junior lenders or the traditional senior debt tranche.

You may be considering the funding options at any stage in the life cycle of your aircraft financing transaction. Contact us  about your requirements, goals and objectives and see how we can assist in moving your financing project ahead in the appropriate manner.

Commercial Support / Event Driven Intervention

Occasionally transactions don’t always progress as planned and expected, this can be for many different reasons, positive or negative, regardless such events often create opportunities.

You may need additional resources at the time of the event, you may need to explore the options and alternative courses of action that are triggered or will be triggered by the event. We can provide you with the benefit of our structuring and commercial skills and experience to discuss the event in context, consider the options and alternative courses of action while assisting to formulate a plan for the way forward.

Owner Trustee

There is a growing demand for an Owner Trustee role in aircraft leasing transactions and Amstrow is positioned to provide this service and a dedicated corporate trustee company to hold legal title to the aircraft. The benefits of an Owner Trustee structure include simplified and timely asset trading and a transparent and easily transferable structure. These help provide efficiency, cost and staff savings within the scope of a recognised industry standard structure.

Aviation Registry Agent

Amstrow can assist with all aircraft registration requirements including the setup of the entity on the International Registry of Mobile Assets under the Cape Town Convention and Aircraft Protocol, registering all interests and discharges which ensures that protection of 'international interests as recognised by all ratifying states' is maintained. We can act as your Transaction User Entity ("TUE") on an ongoing basis and ensure your entity is maintained up to date. As and when required we can obtain all the necessary searches for your aircraft Purchase, Sale and Lease transactions.

Team Experience

Advisor to major European transatlantic airline for the financing of a fleet of new wide body aircraft.

Advisor to a major European transatlantic airline in the execution of operating leases in respect of used wide body aircraft.

Established an Irish based aircraft leasing platform on behalf of a UK Private Equity investor. Management of the company set up, transaction structuring, sourcing of aircraft, execution of leases and ongoing lease and asset management.

Arranged lease finance for a major aircraft OEM for the plant and machinery in relation to a wing production facility.

Due diligence report for an aircraft OEM on the availability of end user finance for a new aircraft type.

Lease Management Services to a group of German Institutional Investors on an aircraft investment.

Establishment and Board members of a number of financial institution aircraft leasing platforms.

Private Jet Irish structure, set up and management of a number of structures, established both as orphan Special Purpose Vehicle's and as subsidiaries of multinational companies.

Advisor and Board members of a number of multi-jurisdictional single aircraft investment SPVs for Asian Pension Funds structured with Senior debt and Profit Participating Notes (“PPN”).

Establishment of a number of Orphan SPV’s to assist airlines with their aircraft finance lease structures backed by Export Credit Agency guarantees.

Aviation Articles

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Our Business Units

Corporate Services

HRM Solutions

Corporate Trustee

Asset Finance

Company Formations

Aviation Services